Main Technical Indicators of High Alumina Refractory Ball
The technical Indicators of high-alumina refractory ball is the main reference basis in the procurement process, which determines the quality of the refractory ball. There are 7 main technical indicators of high alumina refractory ball , which are Al2O3 content, Fe2O3 content, bulk density, apparent porosity, room temperature compressive strength, load softening temperature, and thermal shock stability. The following is the detailed technical indicators of high alumina refractory ball. High Alumina Refractory Ball 1. Al2O3 Content The popular point of Al2O3 content is the content of aluminum oxide in the raw materials of refractory balls. The aluminum content determines the level of other properties. Therefore, it is the main performance index of refractory balls. There are four main types of high alumina refractory balls based on aluminum content: Special grade high-aluminum ball, RQA-80 with 80% aluminum content; Grade I high aluminum ball, RQA-75 with 75% aluminum con...